2019 Product Camp Melbourne - Crowd in main room listening to one of the speakers, Ben Jackson

Camp! August 2023


Thanks for your feedback and letting us know there is indeed desire to have Product Camp make a return this year. We’re now kicking off those viability questions since Product Camp is free to attendees, we need amazing sponsors to provide a venue and feed everyone though the day. If you’re interested in sponsoring, reach out with the ‘contact us’ above.

Folks who want to attend, start thinking about how you want to participate. Camp is all about active participation – volunteer on the day, raise your hand to give a talk on the day (subject to pitch & dot voting of attendees who want to hear your talk!), be ready to participate in discussions and meet people! If there’s a topic you’d like to hear about but do not want to talk, suggest that. All suggestions, questions, go to the contact us form above.

While we do not have an exact date yet, we are looking at the 1st two Saturdays in August (Aug 5 or 12) so mark your calendars and we’ll keep you posted!