Product Camp 2024 – Talks Wrap Up

summary, talks

Over the course of the day we had 28 talks to choose from in our multiple streams. There’s no way to get to everything but we’ve tried to capture some summaries. Thank you to everyone listed here who volunteered to share their knowledge & experience!

Photos by m- & jen leibhart. Sketchnote by Rebecca Jackson

Alexandra Jacquet spoke on How to Build a Strong Relationship with your Founder. The key takeaways are:

  • Understand Your Founder’s Motivations
    • What are they trying to achieve? What are their personal and business goals? Who or what influences them? Whether it’s a podcast, journal, or someone within the company, knowing these can guide your approach.
  • Set an Actionable Plan to Build Trust
    • Have honest conversations, set measurable goals, and aim for quick wins. The active strategies will help you take a methodical approach to build trust.
  • Educate on the Power of Experimentation
    • Regularly share insights from customer learnings and data. Bring your founder along on your journey, explaining your decisions and viewpoints with evidence.
  • Speak the Same Language
    • Is it data, research, money, frameworks, or something else? Aligning on communication styles can significantly improve collaboration.

Fernando PerraSQL Coding for PMs – Fernando gave a mini lesson on SQL as he believes SQL skills empower product managers with data autonomy. By learning some of the basics, you can be more self reliant on getting the data & understanding it. He’s posted the slides here on LI

Empowered to improve product ROI: A cross-functional view of levers across the product lifecycle was a workshop Nhat Tran ran to help people focus how we can deliver better outcomes to influence the product & ROI. Check Nhat’s post with slides and here’s the session takeaways:

  • There are levers, across the prod dev cycle, that can impact product performance/roi
  • Levers can positively/negatively impact ‘return’, or ‘investment’
  • Exec and individual contributors can both be empowered to proactively impact roi by owning tasks, along the prod dev cycle
  • Some specific, actionable tasks are:
    • Align on the right metrics, specifically ‘when customers experience value’
    • Focus product backlog on actionable metrics, e.g. sub-metrics to ‘when customer experiences value’
    • Minimise team blockers, e.g. via having clarity on ways of working , proactively unblocking future design, tech stack issues
    • Value the product backlog as ‘investments’, with an ‘expected value’, which accounts for expected return, but also probability of success
    • Improve the speed & quality of customer feedback loops, in order to better measure and manage ‘when customer experiences value

Katerina Karanikolopoulos ran the workshop, Getting to Yes, Herding Stakeholder Cats. The workshop explored what challenges we have with stakeholders & how we have approached this. Kat used a tool to run the workshop & below is the summary it provided along with Rebecca’s sketchnote.

“The main themes from the responses regarding challenges with stakeholders are centered around communication issues, resistance to change, and alignment problems. Team members have faced specific issues such as dominant opinions derailing agendas, CEOs resistant to new opportunities, stakeholders withholding information or having hidden agendas, misaligned goals, and a reluctance to listen to others. There are also difficulties mentioned with stakeholders frequently changing priorities, last-minute feedback, trust issues, power struggles, and different communication styles. Some stakeholders were described as know-it-alls, non-committal, or having authority bias.

In trying to manage these challenges during decision-making, various approaches were attempted including one-on-one meetings to understand perspectives, gathering supporting data, openly discussing trade-offs, and using executive meetings to diplomatically raise issues. Other tactics involved using data to tell a story, involving stakeholders early in the process, prioritization workshops, breaking down decisions step by step, and using frameworks to help analyze opinions. Some team members mentioned personal coping strategies such as meditation and imagination to handle the stress caused by difficult stakeholders. Despite these efforts, there were mixed outcomes, with some approaches leading to better alignment while others did not persuade key decision-makers.”

Sponsor Announcement – Monash


And we welcome yet another great new sponsor to the Product Camp Melbourne family – Monash University!

With the scale, scope, expertise, and partnerships to make change at a global level, Monash is committed to leaving a positive impact on the world so that future generations can thrive. If you are interested in being part of our community of change makers, join the team at Monash to support learning, teaching, research and the professional business of a global university

Check out Monash University on Linkedin, X (Twitter) or Instagram.

Thank you Monash for supporting the product community! We’re looking forward to having you at this years event!

What talk do you want to pitch?


Product Camp is an unconference.

What really does that mean? Almost all the talks of our multiple streams  during the day are presented by and voted on my the people attending that day.  Submit your idea here to drive some hype and glory 😉 , pitch during the morning of the event and enjoy the day.

Some folks who have already submitted talks (scroll down for more details):

  • Experimentation – Running Cheaper yet better experiences – Jack Rust
  • Mastering Product Management to thrive in any organisation sizes – Teresa Huang
  • Ai For Fintech – Mankaran Singh Saggu
  • Change Quest: A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Session on Change Management – Calum
  • Inclusion in Action: From Saying to doing – Baani Ahluwalia
  • Get your digital sh*t together – Felicity Bodger
  • Unlocking User Engagement: The Power of Product Analytics in Product Management – Ahmad Fotovat
  • Why Australian Product Managers are weak on commercial nous?- Nick Wodzinski
  • Pathway to GenAI – How to deliver results and get buy in – Tom LeGrice
  • What does Sales led versus Product led actually mean? – Craig Brown
  • The Insights Hero Formula: SQL + PM Skills = Unstoppable Success – Fernando Parra
  • Ai Co-Pilot for Product Management… Is it even possible? – Alexander Cohen
  • Team Topologies and why it matters to build great products – Peter Lam
  • Getting to Yes: Herding Stakeholder Cats – Katerina Karanikolopoulos
  • Fake it till you make it – The Non-Tech PM’s Journey – Samantha Raphael

Submit your talk. Not sure what you should suggest? Think about what your coworkers compliment you on? Is there something you could share? What have you learned that others could benefit from? What are you currently struggling with that you’d like to crowdsource help?

RSVP for Product Camp!

What do unconference sessions look like? Here’ some examples from 2023.. they can have slides, they can be interactive, they can be conversation, a workshop, a game, etc…

Inclusion in Action: From Saying to Doing – Baani Ahluwalia

If you have ever wondered ‘how can I be more inclusive?’, come along to hear actionable insights for running inclusive meetings and workshops. Let’s turn our inclusive intentions into impact. Baani is a product manager, data nerd, storyteller and DEI advocate. She is deeply passionate about championing diverse representation in tech and building organisational culture that embrace our unique strengths.

Cheaper experiments, better results- Jack Rust

A guide to experimentation that keeps them easy to design, cheap to run, and gives you the information you need. Know when to be rigorous, when to be scrappy, and when to skip the experiment all together. Jack is a Software Engineer turned Product Manager Currently working at SEEK.

Get your Digital Sh*t Together – Felicity Bodger

I will reveal my very own, never before shared, completely unbacked by any scientific research whatsoever, metaphor of how your brain works. Followed by the most condensed summary of every productivity expert on the planet, all through a product thinking lens. This session is a follow up to Felicity’s previous lightening talk at Prod Anon by popular demand (as in 2 people asked additional questions – so PMF verified) but you don’t have to have heard that talk to benefit from this one. Felicity is a product manager who has been somewhat obsessed with personal knowledge management and productivity for the past couple of millennia. Let’s just say that unlike everyone else who bought the iPod touch to listen to 10,000 songs, I paid the Apple tax just to be able to sync my calendars.

Mastering Product Management to thrive in any organisation sizes – Teresa Huang

Ever wanted to master your product management skills and thrive in any organization, big or small? Discover the three essential skills that will make you adaptable and successful: the right mindset, foundational craft, and powerful influencing techniques. Get ready to scale your career to new heights! Teresa Huang has been in product management for over ten years and has worked in various industries, including financial institutions, media, health insurance, aviation, and e-commerce. Teresa is a driven and focused individual with extensive experience across all product management and software development lifecycle phases. She is passionate about innovations in the technology sector, emerging web, mobile trends, and start-up communities. She is also a part-time YouTuber who loves sharing her experiences, strategies, and tools, which inspire us to keep growing in our product careers.

Ai for Fintech! – Mankaran Singh Saggu

How to make products and day to day better without giving into the hype of LLMs. Mankaran is a product guy with experience in insurance and fintech startups

Change Quest: A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Session on Change Management – Calum

This interactive session will guide attendants through a difficult period of organisaitonal change – where the decisions the PM makes will be made by the audience themselves. In this choose-your-own-adventure style presentation the audience will set outcomes, make decisions and then come together to measure success! Calum is a Product Manager at SEEK working across growth and platform products.

Unlocking User Engagement: The Power of Product Analytics in Product Management – Ahmad Fotovat

Imagine unlocking the secret sauce behind user engagement! In my upcoming talk, I’ll reveal how product analytics is the key to understanding user engagement and their habit loops. We’ll explore real-world examples from my journey at REA Group, illustrating how product analytics boosted our understanding of user behaviour and helped us make smarter decisions to elevate our products. This session promises to be a blend of data-driven strategies and practical stories, all aimed at helping you elevate your product to new heights. Ahmad Fotovat is a Melbourne-based product and analytics enthusiast. He has recently joined Canva to unlock product potential. Most recently, he led the consumer product analytics team at REA Group, helping product teams understand user behaviour and translate that into strategic and product decisions. Before this, he co-founded Iran’s leading online real estate agency, transforming it into a market leader with innovative data-driven solutions. Ahmad’s expertise lies in identifying how data insights and products can have an impact.

Panel – Why Australian Product Managers are weak on commercial nous? – Nick Wodzinski

From my observations working with product folks in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney, it is very common that product people are over-indexed on planning type skills (planning the activities across the double diamond, running agile and scrum type rituals) and under-indexed on commercial skills (pricing, financial forecasting, ROI modelling). I have some guesses as to why this is the case. Join this panel discussion. Nick is Head of Product at Chargefox, Australia’s largest EV charging platform

Pathway to GenAI – How to deliver results and get buy in – Tom LeGrice

This session delivered by AWS will suggest strategies for incorporating GenAI into your products based on delivering value, and map out a pathway of critical elements you will need to build over the next 2 years to be succcesful with GenAI. We will also highlight the single biggest risk – and opportunity – of GenAI that AWS can see globally. Tom has over 25 years experience in ICT across UK, NZ and Australia in sales, product, marketing and digital transformation. His current role is Principal SaaS Consultant for AWS in the Asia Pacific Japan region, where he talks to hundreds of software companies annually on how to deliver high growth customer experiences.

What does Sales led versus Product led actually mean? – Craig Brown

If you find yourself in the narrative of sales led versus product led, you’re having the wrong conversation. Let’s instead take some time for empathy and understanding. I’ve done both jobs, and I don’t believe the dichotomy to be true or useful. I’ll be sharing some of the things I have seen and experienced and will propose a couple of ideas of what we can do to dissolve this difference. Then we will leverage the experience of the room and expand our ideas for working better together. Craig is the Co-founder of Everest, Former leader at Aconex, 30 years in industry, & sponsoring the drinks. 😉

The Insights Hero Formula: SQL + PM Skills = Unstoppable Success – Fernando Parra

Tired of waiting on analysts for crucial product insights? In this hands-on session, we’ll demystify SQL for PMs, showing you how to uncover some golden nuggets about adoption, profitability, and more. You’ll learn Essential SQL queries every PM should know, How to generate actionable insights that are validated with ground-truth data, How to work with data teams iterating on insight generation with your newly acquired skills. There will be a quiz at the end, and the winners get a special prize. Fernando is a 3 times PM converted into an analytics engineer with heaps of real-life experiences bringing data to the table.

Ai Co-Pilot for Product Management… Is it even possible? – Alexander Cohen

Ai is fundamentally changing the way that Product is being created. We are quickly moving to a world where software will be generated instead of developed. In this world, what is the tooling Product managers need to harness in order to continue delivering value for customers. Let’s walk through some tools that are available and unpack the journey of creating GoScope.AI. Alexander is a Product Manager, Software Engineer & Co-Founder of GoScope.AI. Alexander has spent 15 years creating emerging technology products. He’s currently build an AI CoPilot for Product Management & Requirement Gathering.

Team Topologies and why it matters to build great products – Peter Lam

We often talk about cross functional teams. However as you grow to multiple teams – how you organise your people really really matters. One of the set of patterns people are using is Team Topologies – let’s step through the key concepts and how you can make it work for you. Peter helps companies untangle delivery. When he isn’t doing that – he runs one of the larger Project Management meet ups in Melbourne. He genuinely thinks that life would be better if Project Managers, Product Managers and agile folks just worked together to build awesome things for customers.

Getting to Yes: Herding Stakeholder Cats – Katerina Karanikolopoulos

Join an interactive workshop where we tackle the art of managing tricky stakeholders—think herding cats but with more success! We’ll kick off with tips and tricks from my adventures in the C-suite jungle. Then, it’s your turn! Share your war stories and winning strategies in our group session. Our goal? To build a toolkit to transform any “no” into a resounding “yes”. I’ve had more careers than hairstyles. Most recently Katerina has been a strategist leading corporate strategy teams. Now she’s taking on the challenge of learning the product management ropes as the founder of My Product Camp goal is to share what I’ve learned about influencing challenging senior/C-suite stakeholders while soaking up as much as I can about building great tech products that people love.

Fake it till you make it – The Non-Tech PM’s Journey – Samantha Raphael

A brief summary on the journey of becoming a Product Manager without a technical background. We’ll debunk the myth that you need to be a coding wizard to excel in product management and highlight the diverse skills and perspectives that non-technical PMs bring to the table.